Thursday, January 17, 2008

Interviewing my mom

1) When you were a kid, did you like watching T.V. or reading books ?
-I liked both actually, but I mostly read books because it helps you in your academics and for the fun of it.

2) Do you rather go to the movies or a restaurant on a first date ?
-I rather go to a restaurant because it is more suitable for a first date in order to get to know the person that you are out with.

3) Fame or fortune ?
-I like both because I don't want to be recognize as the person who has a lot of money but not a lot of people really know me.

4) What is your favorite desert ?
-My favorite desert is baileys because it is very good after any kind of dish.

5) What is your favorite sport ?
-My favorite sport is football. I got that from my son. He's pretty good.

6)What was your favorite subject in high school ?
-My favorite back in high school was Mathematics.

7) If you had to leave Canada, where would you go ?
-I would go some were were it's hot, in the south like Florida in the U.S.

8) Hilary Clinton or Barack Obama ?
-Obviously Barack Obama. No question about it.

9) What do you do in your free time ?
-In my free time i read, Listen to music and spent time with my family.

10) What is your favorite dish ?
-My favorite dish is rice with mushroom. It is an Exotic dish in Haiti.

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