Tuesday, January 15, 2008

American Gangster movie review

American Gangster is a movie played by one of my favorite actors, Denzel Wanshington. The movie is based on a true story who took place in New York in the 1970's. The movie is about a man who owned a cocaine business. Frank Lucas which is played by Denzel was close to the business owner "Bumpy" Johnson which is played by Laurence Fishburne. So after Russel died of heart attack, Frank took over the drug bisiness. In order to keep the business running, he need better product and a new brand name so he imported cocaine in the country illegaly by american army and named the brand "blue magic". He made good money out of it. But cops were suspecious. so they decided to have an investigation. Lucas got cought. he was sentenced to jail a life time but the cop who followed with the investigation became a lawer and got Frank Lucas out of jail after fifeteen year in jail. He got out and back to his normal life.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

American Gangster reminded me yet again what a versatile actor Russel Crowe is… plus it's pretty clever how Ridley Scott makes viewers love the bad guy and dislike the good guy only to turn that around by the end of the movie.